When you least expect it, a friend of Foster Your Dream and a celebrity to boot, thinks of us and reaches out by sending a surprise gift of books to one of our clients. This is what Mavis Leno did! As usual, we can not show you the face of our super happy recipient but the books displayed above came to the home of our client all the way from a bookstore in England! What a delight.
Included in the package was a handwritten note from Ms. Leno explaining that these were her favorite books when she was a child and she wanted our special girl to enjoy them as well.
This generous kindness, with a special personal touch from someone who has a very public profile, made a great memory for one of our children.
It may seem like a small detail but by making a foster child feel special and worthy, a donor like Ms. Leno can boost the pride of a young person in being a foster child. I have seen over and over again how an opportunity like theatre or books that can be shared with an entire foster family, can increase the confidence of a child that their placement in the home is welcome and secure.
Bravo and our deepest thanks to the kindest of benefactors, Ms. Mavis Leno!