THANKS to all you amazing people we collected 485 toys for foster children and their families to be given out all year ’round as needed! We use the holiday time to entice the ‘giving spirit’ to donate our way and this year we did better than ever. We had so many toys that we couldn’t display them this year. But here are some shots of your amazing GIFTS.
Sandra and I delivered them to Sonia Galarza from ACS downtown on Williams Street! She will distribute them to group homes, Families on the bubble of losing their children and little ones who arrive having been taken from their homes. Please know your contributions are priceless and we are so incredibly grateful for your donations. THANK YOU! ♥️
From one lone mailed in donation to 19 (2 more than the video below!) clear plastic bags filled with 285 precious toys, Sandra Garni, Mark Carson Selman and all the wonderful folks at the Bar Building and in my building, we had the wildest success ever. Enjoy the photos below. We are so grateful.