THANKS to all you amazing people we collected 485 toys for foster children and their families to be given out all year ’round as needed! We use the holiday time to entice the ‘giving spirit’ to donate our way and this year we did better than ever. We had so many toys that we couldn’t display them this year. But here are some shots of your amazing GIFTS.

Sandra and I delivered them to Sonia Galarza from ACS downtown on Williams Street! She will distribute them to group homes, Families on the bubble of losing their children and little ones who arrive having been taken from their homes. Please know your contributions are priceless and we are so incredibly grateful for your donations. THANK YOU! ♥️

From one lone mailed in donation to 19 (2 more than the video below!) clear plastic bags filled with 285 precious toys, Sandra Garni, Mark Carson Selman and all the wonderful folks at the Bar Building and in my building, we had the wildest success ever. Enjoy the photos below. We are so grateful.


When a child gets pulled out of his/her/their home, we have them choose a toy to make the scary day a little brighter. We also work with a large group of families whose children are on the bubble of being taken away. We gather toys during the giving season but we inventory them and give them to these two divisions of child-protective services (known as ACS in Los Angeles, DCFS in NY). The idea is to make these toys last for all of 2025. Will you HELP US????

Donate until JANUARY 7th 2025….

Please mail them to: (unwrapped, new, ANY AGE at all)

Foster Your Dream
36 West 44th Street
Suite 1412
New York, NY 10036

OR DROP THEM OFF IN OUR BOX IN THE LOBBY OF 36 West 44th Street if you’re in Nu Yawk! 🙂

You can take advantage of SALES! You can send them directly from AMAZON, or WALMART or TJMaxx or Michaels art supplies or ETSY or any other place you can think of. Just your thought and your generous action of even one small toy will do wonders for our population. These children get the necessities. We try to give them the extras. Remember some wonderful things we had as children? Help us make those kind of dreams in 2025 so our kids don’t fall through the cracks. If you prefer you can donate here! any time!


We will post the box filling up here:

Foster Your Dream Joins Halloween Party at BAM-BOO event!

We love it when our families get to go to an amazing and fun Halloween block party. Our Foster Fams with kids 4-12 got to kick off the spookiest night of the year at this free, family-friendly Carnival! They enjoyed games and arts & crafts and movies, too!

What a fun Street Party it was. We don’t have permission to use faces. Our silly face-blocking technique is in the spirit of the holiday! BOO and thank YOU!

Many thanks to Dewonnie Frederick for making sure our kids are always invited!


Our Brooklyn Foster Families Enjoyed a fun filled 3 days of dance performances and the colorful and wildly popular Dance Africa Bazaar. More photos to come. Meanwhile we say THANK YOU to Dewonnie Frederick and Timothy Dugger for inviting us and getting all the families there!


Our Angel Candy Martinez and her group of amazing creators crochet and knit hats! So in the throes of winter our children are delighted by the warmth and colors of these vibrant hats and a scarf or two!

It’s so special because they are HOME MADE. It is interesting to watch as the kids understand and cherish that someone cared enough to MAKE SOMETHING BY HAND and GIVE IT TO THEM. Perhaps it’s because each one looks unique (like they are) and feels like love and a soft hug!

We can’t show their faces because their parents would have to consent and the children are not living with their parents….hence their journey thru foster care! But all agreed to this fun picture. I think you can see their joy thru the yarn! 🙂

Thank you so much to all the kind folks who make these and donate them to our fantastic children. You’re amazing!

9th Annual Toy Drive Bigger Than Ever!

We are raising money to CRUSH this years donations in anticipation of our 10th ANNUAL toy drive next winter! Wanna help? DONATE HERE! THANKS THANKS THANKS!

Over 300 toys were donated to Foster Your Dream this year for children IN foster care, transitioning TO foster care (a super scary time) or working with highly at-risk families to help them keep their children from being TAKEN to foster care! It could never have been done with out all of your generous donations … FAR and WIDE. Strangers and friends! Special thanks to Sandra Garni and Mark Carson for hosting our toys!

It was out 9th Annual Toy Drive! Next year? I have a feeling with your help, we will break all our Toy Drive records. MANY THANKS TO ALL.