BAM-tastic events

BAM is one of our biggest supporters.  We had small groups go to many performances of the following BAM-tastic events …

The Toad Knew … a nonverbal rollicking event with acrobatics and water play and a LOT of stagecraft!

The Toad Knew

The Crown Heights film … based on a true story that some of our kids could relate to only too well!

Crown Heights Film and Real Life

A new year of Teknopolis Fun  … we got to bring groups for both days.

Enjoying some virtual fun!

We always have a blast because BAM makes our groups feel free and joyful! Thanks, always, to Ms. D!

Venus of Hottentot at Signature Theatre

Based on a true story about Sara Baartman, an African Woman who was enslaved because of her beautiful booty, Venus of Hottentot wowed several small groups of foster children who had never been to the theatre!

Powerful Woman

Susan Lori Parks, a brilliant African American Female writer, chose to focus on a strong figure in history to illuminate in her play off-broadway.  Our kids felt empowered at the end after experiencing all of her trials and tribulations in living technicolor!

Amazing Production!

As the curtain went down in that moment just before the applause starts, the 16 year old sitting next to me said in a soft voice “w o w !”  That kind of reaction makes all our slow-going hard work worthwhile.

Six Degrees of Separation on Broadway

With one of our clients in love with the theatre, we were able to get a few tickets to the Broadway production of SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION!

A Star Studded Cast

Allison Janney and Corey Hawkins wowed us from really great orchestra seats.  Our clients seem to love seeing actors they only see on television do live theatre!

Luckily our client was over 18 because there was one ‘racey’ scene, but it was befitting the wild story and based on real life so nothing gratuitous there!

We are grateful to Donald Yonker who organized this opportunity for us.

FYD Has Ongoing Toy Drive For Foster Children

Our first ever Holiday Toy Drive was such a success!

When a child gets pulled from their dangerous living situation they often get  placed in the Children’s Center while waiting for a foster home. They are scared and sad. We decided to give them a few minutes of distraction and hopefully happiness by letting them choose a toy and bring it with them to their new home.

How did this start?

Painted Angel overlooks our Human Angels!

The angels at the Signature Theatre organized the first one for us.

Left to Right: Molly Shoemaker, Frank Gambino, Colleen Hughes, Sarah Lang

It started with a bin….

…and a few toys from patrons and staff …

… and bloomed in to a wonderful experience and inventory fun.  Many thanks to Colleen Hughes and ACS!

Then another surprise happened as Nancy Sing Bock from neighboring PS51 brought over a group of students with a load of toys!  Ms. Bock had walked by the Signature theatre many times on her way to her school and one day saw the sign for the FYD Toy Drive. She wanted her children to understand service and ‘giving’ first hand so they organized their very own toy drive!  Literally the day before everyone scattered for the holidays, this group came by with yet another load of toys and the Signature staff and FYD was in happy and humble shock.

THANK YOU TO ALL AND LET’S KEEP THE TOYS COMING! CONTACT ME TO FIND OUT HOW TO DONATE TOYS TO US!  sue wolf at foster your dream dot org (all smushed together!)

Teknopolis Funopolis

Sometimes the theatre things we rustle up are too “out there” for children who haven’t been exposed to much theatre.  So when we approached The Children’s Center we asked the recreation director, Timothy Dugger, to keep an eye on BAM’s website and let us know if his children wanted to participate in something.   He was excited about TEKNOPOLIS and we scored 12 tickets from Dewonnie Frederick!

Everyone had a blast and we poured a little science knowledge into our kids and got them out and about on a Saturday afternoon!

The People Speak to Foster Your Dream

BAM and the Onassis Cultural Center New York presented The People Speak, gathering actors and musicians to bring to life Howard Zinn’s extraordinary history of ordinary people.  With Staceyann Chin, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Talib Kweli, Deva Mahal, Aasif Mandvi, Frances McDormand, Peter Sarsgaard Stew, David Strathairn and Marisa Tomei among the performers, FYD jumped at the chance to attend.

As sometimes happens, a promise of 10 coming to the show only produced 2.  But the story of the 2 is heartwarming and important.

This client who came and brought a friend, is an avid theatre goer and wishes to become an actor. We’ve known her for many years.  She arrived and said to me “I emancipated today!”  I said “Congratulations!” She said “Well, now I’m not sure!”  We grabbed a burger and she told me the details (which I have changed to protect her identity).

She has been in a foster family in Queens and works in Queens.  Her foster mother decided it was not a good fit (after many years) and ACS decided to move her 42 miles away to another foster home.  She was so frustrated at being torn away from work and friends and ‘the system’ that she decided to emancipate herself then and there.  She wasn’t even sure where she was going to sleep that night.  Yet … she came to the theatre with a friend who had never been to the theatre.

There we sat the three of us and watched a stage full of artists perform empowering and wondrous speeches of resistance.  The girls were enthralled.  Afterwards we went to Dunkin Donuts, watched a drunken man pass out and the paramedics come and discussed how empowering the event was to them.  They remembered and recounted many of the speeches and were wowed by the performances.  I won’t go in to further details but this young woman is so inspiring to me. I hope that performers know that their efforts can often serve as salve against heartbreak which I saw it do with my own eyes that night.   When a young person doesn’t even know where he/she will rest his/her head that night and still comes out to see some theatre, I bow down to the strength of all foster youths everywhere.