Foster Your Dream hosts its second VIP Event at Disney On Ice!  

disney let's celbrate

Three families spent a fun Friday night all bundled up in a Staples Center VIP suite watching all of our favorite Disney characters spin and swirl and leap as they ice-skated all around at Disney on Ice.  

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While munching on grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs and chilli, and goodies galore, we got to see Lilo & Stiitch have a Hawaiian luau, Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse go time traveling, Malificent, Cruella DeVille and the other Disney villians celebrate Halloween, and the Disney Princesses have a Valentines Day dance with their princes. 

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An informal poll among the nine kiddos that joined us revealed that the favorites, by far, included Goofy and Princesses Jasmine, Tiana, and Ariel.  Thank you so much to Bingham McCutchen LLP (now Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP) for generously donating the use of the suite!  We all had a blast!

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“The Greatest Show On Earth” one awesome little 5 year old guy kept reading to anyone who would listen!  Wherever he saw that sentence, he pointed it out and read it aloud.  With joyous excitement, Foster Your Dream was invited to a VIP box at Staples Center to see the Ringling Brothers Circus.  We were able to take 2 grateful families to enjoy the most generous gift from the law firm Bingham McCutchen.

To be wowed by the glorious spectacle of the Circus and to be treated to a VIP experience with hot dogs, fried chicken, veggies, sugary treats, popcorn and royal service, was a Godsend and a very special bonding session for 2 families.

We have proof of the happiness had by all!  Enjoy our snapshots.
















Big Fish invites Foster Your Dream

As the sign says, Foster Your Dream was invited to see BIG FISH, the MUSICAL and it was BEAUTIFUL and GLORIOUS!  90 happy and lucky children got to take in the Broadway Show on a Saturday Night!

The singing and dancing and story were the favorite parts for the children.  One little girl announced her favorite was the Mermaid.  For the adults the amazing performances (some will probably garner a Tony Award) the sets and the poignant story brought us to tears!

As usual, we can not show you the faces of the children until we get permission, but while we were waiting outside it began to snow and I snapped a few stealthy photos while the children were enchanted by the first falling flakes of the season.

Waiting for Big Fish watching snowflakes

Waiting for Big Fish watching snowflakes

Happy But Shy!

Happy But Shy!

Darrell Williams and Deidra Sutton lead the way for ACS while Sue Wolf and Sarahbeth Grossman and Donald Yonker volunteered to greet and organize the groups as they arrived.  We will update this post with more information but the Bronx and Queens were handsomely represented in this magical outing!

The Greeting Committee

The Greeting Committee

Darrell Williams, Sue Wolf, Deidra Sutton

Darrell Williams, Sue Wolf, Deidra Sutton

Many thanks to all who donated money, tickets, time and energy.  Katie Pope and Heidi Neven you were angels to make this happen. As was Sean (house manager) and the box office staff!  To the Producers and the Cast and Crew and Orchestra we say  “the show was AMAZING and we all had the BEST TIME!  THANK YOU!”~ Sue Wolf Founder


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The most wonderful thing happened to Foster Your Dream last week. A Broadway Company REACHED OUT TO US TO INVITE US TO SEE THEIR SHOW. Wait for it … wait for it …. BIG FISH has invited Foster Your Dream Kids and Caregivers to see their show this Saturday Night on Broadway. What an incredible gift for the Holidays.

The Company Manager of ANNIE, Heidi Neven, chose to make a connection for us, totally unsolicited, to Katie Pope who is the Assistant Company Manager of BIG FISH the Musical. Katie Pope reached out to FYD on Friday … totally out of the blue … and extended the generous invitation!

I’m not sure that you kind folks reading this article understand the magnitude of such a gift.  When I first started my mission of taking Kids in the ACS system and their families to see real, first class theatre on Broadway, I was mostly ignored. The one time I was hung up on, I almost gave up trying. To purchase 100 tickets for any Broadway Musical these days, even at a group rate, would cost between 4000 – 10,000 dollars.  But Broadway Theatre is special. It takes a lot of courage for investors to pony up millions of dollars and take a leap of faith to put on a show. There are hundreds of people working hard to make the event shine. The theatre district is a-buzz with activity that is generated by the money, blood, sweat and tears of a very special community.   So I kept going.

Even though I described the not-so-good behavior of some of this awesome community, I found that many, many people spent time and energy with me on the phone trying to help me brainstorm ways I could get these kids to see a show! Because our theatre goers are unique, many of the audience-outreach programs didn’t apply. Having kids participate in an ongoing theatre development program that required classes and commitments was out of the question due to myriad reasons. Our kids are often moved around. They can be shuttled from home to home from family members to foster families. Many grandparents are the primary caregivers and this aging population is all of a sudden thrown into child rearing 2.0 just when they had planned to sit quietly and enjoy the spoils of their long lives! Often family members are in another state. Trying to describe the unique nature of the needs FYD exists to meet, I often tried to explain that “we are a little bit like Make A Wish Foundation for healthy children in the Foster Care System. Please help us one dream at a time!”

My feeling always was that once the word got out into the Broadway community, my wish for this awesome group of citizens would be realized and a steady stream of tickets would be made available to us so young minds could be ‘opened up’ and magical theatre could be ‘poured in.’  I also knew that harried caregivers would benefit greatly from being able to sit back and take a breath while enjoying a show. Thanks to the benevolent and tight knit Broadway Theatre Community my dream seems to be coming to fruition and for this I will forever be grateful.

BIG FISH, here we come! Because of you and all those who have paved the way to the hallowed Broadway Theaters, we feel special and loved. Thanks for flinging the doors open. BRAVO! ~~ Sue Wolf, Founder.

ANNIE on Broadway hosts Foster Your Dream

11-12-13 was the luckiest day for 95 Foster Your Dream Kids who got to sit in the orchestra and enjoy the Broadway Musical ANNIE!


Darrell Williams, Sue Wolf, Annie poster, Deidra Sutton

Until we can get the approval from some of the children and their families, we’re posting a few photos of Sue Wolf, the Founder, Darrell Williams and Deidra Sutton from the Administration for Children’s Services’ Office of Community Partnerships, Valerie Worthy from Inwood House and Robert Dragotta and Melanie Roy Friedman who volunteered their time and services for Foster Your Dream’s Theatre Project.

Thanks to Sarahbeth Grossman and Sally Horchow who actually fell in love with the idea of taking our kids to see ANNIE and made it happen like no one else could.

There will be more stories forthcoming.

Robert Dragotta makes friends with everyone!

Robert Dragotta makes friends with everyone!

Happy Theatre Goers!

Happy Theatre Goers!

Many of the children were shy and didn’t want to be photographed.  Inwood house came.  St. Dominic’s house came.

Valerie Worthy from Inwood House.

Valerie Worthy from Inwood House.


Melanie Roy Friedman volunteers with Foster Your Dream’s Theatre Project


One Dream Kid gets to meet the Star!

One Dream Kid gets to meet the Star!

Beautiful Lucia, who’s caregiver agreed to let us show her, got a chance to meet THE Annie after the show.   More photos to follow when permissions have been granted.  Thank you thank you thank you to all those who made this happen.




Ann on Broadway Event

We have the most exciting news!  “ANN” on Broadway, starring the amazing Holland Taylor, has invited 60 Foster Teens and their Foster Families for a matinee at the Theatre!  We are coordinating this wonderful trip with ACS in New York (Administration of Children’s Services).  It is our VERY FIRST EVENT EVER!  What an honor.  Ms. Taylor stars as the dynamic Ann Richards, who was the feisty and colorful Governor of Texas.  An added bonus is that Holland Taylor has been nominated for a Tony Award for this performance and we are lucky enough to be able to bring our Dream Kids to this highly acclaimed play.

Many thanks to Diedra Sutton, Darrell Williams, Jamie Kendall, Sarahbeth Grossman and Kevin Bailey who are coordinating and underwriting this event.  More news and more thanks to come!